My Little Shoebox

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    Kathleen Glossop

    These are so adorable!!! You always make the cutest ranges, can't wait to play!!



    Fabulous creations!

    Patti S.

    so many wonderful creations ladies!


    All amazing creations. 'Happy makes the world go round' especially caught my eye :)

    Pamela Young

    Everything is so fantastic ladies!!! :)

    erin yamabe

    ooh loving all these projects, great job girls!


    everything looks fabulous. love all the color combos.


    These are so happy and I can hardly wait to get to using the new products!

    I so totally love the peeks, I hope you have a release day soon. I want it all. and will definately be lifting some of this wonderful artwork.

    Tanisha Long

    I can't wait to see these up close and personal!! Way to go ladies!

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