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    Just Love these cards, Really great inspiration!!! Cheers jendewar at

    melissa (aussiescrapper)

    Oh my goodness, stunning creations, but I have to add just how gorgeous a boy would feel having that m'n'm bubble on a card, I can see Nate now just wanting to get them out, a card for sure he would to remember. Just inspirational. Melxx

    Heidi Gore

    These are really amazing!!! So creative.


    Melinda, your cards are simply stunning!! :)


    Thanks for sharing, what is not to love with all three sets of projects!

    Heather Robertson

    wonderful creative projects - love them

    Lori Pekny

    What beautiful cards!!!

    Robin Herald

    love your ideas

    Aline Fonseca

    I'm a big fan of your work, Melinda and a big fan of My Little Shoe Box! I love their funny style! It has everything to do with me!
    Astonished project!
    Love it all!


    Aline Fonseca

    Michelle Macpherson

    Love this new series of papers and just love the cards - I so wish I had a cricut!


    love the projects!

    Stephanie Buice

    Great Cards Melinda!!!


    These are adorable Melinda! What kid wouldn't love one of these birthday cards. Love the little house fun with all those pennants between the houses :O)


    Oh wow....Melinda I love your bubble M&M cards. Love all the cards Melinda and Linda. Thanks for sharing!

    Julie Gilbert

    Love the scalloped cards!


    So much fun! Love Melinda's cards ;)

    Court's Crafts

    P.s. I got here from Melinda's blog! :)

    Court's Crafts

    SOOOO cute!!! I love all of these projects!!! Well done ladies!

    Karen K

    wow, some gorgeous inspiration, especially love Melinda's cards!! they're out of this world.. giggle...

    Sue Plumb

    Fantastic inspiration here, especially the cards from Melinda - they freakin' ROCK! (I am drooling! LOL) :-)


    These are some seriously cute cards! I love the rocket and helicoptor! And so happy that I actually have that Cricut cartridge, so maybe I can scraplift these supercute cards! Thanks so much for all of the inspiration!


    Melinda, I have always loved your candy bubble cards!!! These are just so darn cute!!! I love the other set as well. So so pretty!! Linda, your banner is wonderful!! I love the mini pennants you added as well!!!

    Keely Yowler

    OOHH! I love these projects, ladies! Fabulous job.

    Ann Cicilie

    Lovely projects - thanks for the inspiration <3

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