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    « Notebook Projects & more fun with Epiphany Crafts | Main | Cherry Good Time!! »



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    Mimi R

    Love your projects! They are so much fun!


    Gorgeous projects! I love those flowers!

    Julie A. Shearer

    Super cute ! I love all of these projects . The flowers and charm are beautiful . Thanks for sharing and a chance to win .

    Sue D

    Sweet projects--I like all the flowers and butterflies.

    Debra Vineyard

    I just love what you did with the wooden butterfly! It's amazing!

    Angie Simonet

    Gorgeous projects! I just love the combination of the two companies!


    EC sent me, but I love Cherry Delight! :) Cute projects! :)

    beatrice lawson

    I think the butterfly frame is to die for. I am working on a butterfly for my niece's room and I am so going to use some of these ideas!!

    Beverly Jordan

    I just love your papers and your projects' fun vibe!! Epiphany Crafts really makes them just that much more fun!!

    Miriam Prantner

    Great projects! Love your rolled flowers, that butterfly frame would be a huge hit at my house!

    Lenny Tania

    Love the flowers. Nice project.

    Amy Jones#8546

    Beautiful projects. I love those flowers so much. Great job.

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