This is our last post with our Imaginary Friends so after this you have to go get some of your own Imaginary Friends. I know your sad but hey I bet we will have some more friends coming to play with us real soon!!
Today we are getting a peak at Danielle's projects... when I first saw these it's really the colors that really popped to me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE what she has done and makes me want to be her when I grow up... LOL!!
First up the cards... stunning...
Next is her project frame... ummm.... speechless!! I will let it talk for itself... do you think I can bribe her into making one for my boys LOL!!
Gorgeous I tell ya!!! And that sweet baby boy is the most precious thing ever!!! Thanks for sharing your awesome talent with us. Now you let me know when I should expect mine in the mail J/K.
Go show Danielle how much you love her and welcome her back after a little break (she's prego with her 3rd precious baby), we are blessed to have her back. Thanks for your talent.